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Safeguarding and Wellbeing Support

At the NCS we are committed to safeguarding our young people to ensure they are happy, healthy and safe. If students are to thrive academically and fulfil their potential, they need to feel safe and supported and providing robust pastoral support underpins our work at the NCS. The safeguarding team works together to meet this responsibility. 

Who are our safeguarding leads?

Anyone who has a safeguarding concern regarding a student at the college should contact the ‘Designated Safeguarding Lead’ or another member of the team by phoning the college and asking for:

Ms Markoulides – Assistant Principal & Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL)

Ms Pinfield – Assistant Principal & Deputy DSL

Alternatively, email

How do we maintain a secure environment for young people?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and our Staff and Governors share this commitment. The NCS adheres to its obligations to safeguard and promote the welfare of the young people in its care and has policies and procedures in place in accordance with local authority and statutory guidance. The NCS also adheres to safer recruitment guidelines.

The NCS works in partnership with other agencies, including Social Services, Health professionals and the Police, in accordance with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (2023). We share information as appropriate, to ensure that we do all we can to support our young people where safeguarding issues arise.

All staff and volunteers regularly receive training and updates around the safeguarding policy, practice and current issues thereby ensuring we meet our responsibility to ensure that young people are safe.

We provide a secure site for our young people and any visitors are asked to adhere to our rules. Visitors may enter only through the main entrance after signing in at the office where relevant safeguarding checks are completed. Registers are taken for every lesson and parents are notified by phone if their son/daughter is not in college.


Pastoral Support

Every student has a form tutor and a Year Leader who are responsible for their wellbeing and students are encouraged to report any concerns through our pastoral systems.

We use the curriculum, tutor time, Ignite lessons and assemblies to make sure young people are aware of various issues related to safeguarding and how to keep safe.

A counsellor is also available to students should they wish to speak to one. Counselling is held in a safe, private room, the meetings are confidential and information is only shared with the DSL if there are any safeguarding concerns.

Useful Links For Supportive Organisations

Domestic Violence

If you are living with a perpetrator of domestic violence, are concerned about being at risk of domestic violence or that someone else is at risk the links below provide information on how to keep safe and contact numbers of services providing support.

Domestic Violence Intervention Project



The Havens

Women and Girls Network

Information for parents to support students staying safe online The NSPCC have developed a guide for parents called Net Aware, which gives clear and simple information about most popular sites, apps and games that young people are using. an organisation which protects and supports children both online and offline.  A site to report concerns about online behaviour to the police.

Wellbeing Organisations

Childline – ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19.

NSPCC – The leading children’s charity in the UK

Talk to Frank – Advice for young people concerning drugs – Information and support for people affected by cancer – Support for bereaved children and young people

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Sexual Violence and Harassment

LGBTQ+ – Support for people with regard to sexuality and transgender issues

Eating Disorders – Support for young people with eating disorders

Legal Rights – Provide free legal information, advice/representation to children, young people

Housing – Support and advice around homelessness for young people

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