Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre benefits from a strategic partnership with UCL
The NCS is delighted to enjoy a Strategic Partnership with UCL, one of the world’s leading universities.

The Partnership, which was established in 2014 just after the NCS opened, has already brought immense benefits to both students and staff at the NCS.
Mr Mouhssin Ismail, Founding Principal at The NCS, said at the time:
“We are delighted to have entered into a strategic partnership with UCL as our London higher education partner. The partnership provides a real opportunity for us to work collaboratively on innovative projects and initiatives as well as giving our students and staff access to world class facilities, academics and cutting edge research.”
Mark Copestake, UCL’s Education Partnerships Manager highlighted the benefits to both institutions:
“This partnership isn’t simply about UCL recruiting high-achieving students from NCS but is more about how the further education and higher education sectors can work more closely together. We have agreed a substantial plan of activity and projects which the university will deliver in conjunction with the staff and students at NCS and we are very excited by the outcomes and impact these will have on UCL and the wider education sector.”
Professor Anthony Smith, Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs), said:
“It is rare for universities and sixth form colleges to come together in this way. It is crucial that UCL is as informed as it possibly can be about what is happening in the secondary and FE sectors in order that we can continue to adapt and develop to meet the needs of our students.”
How does this partnership benefit NCS students?
Students at The NCS will benefit from a substantial programme of support around applying to higher education and UCL will supplement the Sixth Form’s A-Level provision by offering a series of bespoke masterclasses, taster lectures and summer school opportunities throughout the academic year. A Liaison Group has been established and will meet termly to monitor activity and to advise on the future direction of the partnership between the two institutions. Already we have seen outstanding opportunities for our students, including places at medical summer schools and involvement in technology competitions, as well as regular visits from academics and PHD students to work with NCS students
What part will NCS teaching staff play in this partnership?
Through the partnership UCL intends to contribute to staff development at the Sixth Form, exploring ways in which teachers are able to bring contemporary research into the classroom. UCL will also work with NCS staff to better understand how assessment and feedback at sixth form level might inform curriculum design at university.