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Oxbridge Application Preparation

Students from Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre take part in Oxbridge lectures at the university
NCS students attend lectures with Oxbridge professors and tutors

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest and most prestigious universities in the United Kingdom. In the world of education, the phrase ‘Oxbridge’ is used to refer to them collectively as an example of exceptional academic standards and a home of world-class research.

Admission to Oxbridge is highly competitive, with a rigorous application process that can include a student’s previous and predicted academic record, entrance exams for certain courses, and robust academic interviews.

The NCS has provided students with preparation to apply to study at Oxbridge since our very first year. From the initial induction days, where all Year 12 students attend sessions on critical/lateral thinking, followed by a trip to Cambridge University to participate in lectures delivered by Cambridge academics. Students also have an opportunity to visit Cambridge colleges where students soak in the atmosphere and speak to NCS alumni who are currently studying at Cambridge.

Our goal is for NCS students to see applying to Oxbridge not as a lofty dream, but as something that’s completely normal and highly achievable and the record number of offers we have received demonstrates that.

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The NCS really helped me with mathematical enrichment. They took us to lots of lectures around London and I got to visit Oxford two or three times before I actually applied.

How our Oxbridge Preparation Programme works

Normalising the idea of Oxbridge as a destination

From the very start of a students journey at Newham Collegiate, Oxbridge is seen as an achievable and normal goal for a student’s progression through academics and into their careers. This is why a day of our induction is devoted to higher education, with a talk from an Oxbridge admissions officer and multiple lectures from Oxbridge professors on a variety of subjects across science, maths and humanities.

Understanding Oxford and Cambridge

It’s important to understand the culture of the locations and life inside the universities as a student. There will be many opportunities to visit both Oxford and Cambridge, attend lectures, workshops, and meet with NCS alumni who’re either currently studying at or have graduated from the Oxbridge system. These alumni also act as mentors to current applicants from NCS, ensuring they have up to date information on the realities of study and life as a student.

Master The Intensive Oxbridge Interview

We have a dedicated Oxbridge Supervision hour for all students interested in applying to Oxbridge. During these sessions students will meet with their Oxbridge Supervisor once a week and engage in socratic discussion, improving their thinking skills so that when they have their interview the following year they will be in pole position.

All our Oxbridge supervisors attended either the university of Cambridge or Oxford, meaning their insights into the skills and knowledge required to make a successful application are second to none.

Benefit From Mock Oxbridge Interviews

Students benefit from multiple practice interviews with different tutors and NCS/Oxbridge alumnus that are designed to prepare them for the rigours of the real thing, so that when that time does arrive they’ll have the confidence to present themselves to the best of their abilities.

Entrance Examinations

Some subjects at both the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge will also require you to sit an entrance examination. As with our interview preparation, we will prepare and support applicants with tutoring and mock papers. The aim is to normalise the process and ensure you have the confidence to perform to your very best abilities when opening the real exam paper.

All of this experience will help students understand if Oxbridge is the right path for them and their futures.

Oxbridge Isn’t For Everyone

It’s worth remembering, Oxbridge isn’t the right path for all students. Whilst many dream of studying at such a prestigious institution, some may aim even higher for the Ivy League, for many Russell Group universities are the correct choice. We even support students in making applications to vocational school leavers programmes directly within industry.

Why? There are endless factors to help you make a decision that’s the best for you. Some may simply wish to have a better balance of A-Level study, time spent on university applications, and outside life. Others may take advice directly from those they meet in industry about preferred courses or specific universities that will benefit them more – all of which is part of our Professional Schools and Emerging Talent Programme provision.

Our job is to guide you through the discovery and help you find the choices that are the best for you and your future.

Our Oxbridge Preparation success in the media

Cambridge offer for teen who came to UK to be a rocket scientist
Evening Standard (Newspaper)

NCS Lecture Programme

The NCS is privileged to be able to welcome high profile guest speakers from the world of academia and industry to share their knowledge and experiences with NCS students.

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