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Ben Page of IPSOS MORI Shares Insights with NCS Students

Exploring Global Trends and Predictions in a Student-Focused Session

NCS Lecture Programme
Lecture Date: 21/09/2017

On the morning of the 21st September 2017 we were delighted to welcome Ben Page – the Chief Executive of international polling company IPSOS MORI – to The NCS. IPSOS MORI are a name synonymous with everyday life in political and business spheres. They conduct unbiased polling internationally on many matters; from predicting who might win an election to insights on demographics for marketers.

During his hour with students Mr Page went into detail on a project his company conduct every few years to give an insight in global trends and predictions. He used this information to demonstrate how many global events over the last year are mirrored and can therefore be predicted and explained in their polling.

“What we have done is to try to look at public opinion around the world. We look at the things that the world is worried about now both in Britain and elsewhere and have come up with eight things that you might want to think about.”

Armed with a laptop full of data, Mr Page dived into many reports and graphs to help answer many of the “excellent questions” that our students asked in a lengthy and worthwhile question and answer session. During his talk a plethora of topics were covered including happiness, politics, history of polling, technology, unity and trust to name but a few.

“Even though there are some big differences [between nations] interestingly most people all over the planet say that we have more things that unite us, than divide us.”

Everyone at The NCS would like to thank Mr Page for taking the time to visit and for giving our students an insight into the important work in this sector. Read a full report in the student’s view and watch the entire talk above.

The student view

"The Ben Page lecture covered various aspects of what his job included and was very detailed and gave me a real insight into a myriad of different human interests."

"It was an undeniably enjoyable experience and I think it's safe to assume that everyone, including me left with more questions about our society than we had at the start. I was particularly interested in the statistics with regards to how young people believe that technology is making life worse."

"I found the lecture really insightful. Learning about differences of opinion between generations was sobering because I wasn’t expecting to see such results. The idea that people in more developed countries could be more pessimistic then those in developing countries made me question what does it actually mean to be happy. Ben Page was funny and wasn’t at all the ‘boring man in a suit' I was expecting."

"The Ben Page lecture wasn’t at all what I was expecting. He was funny and passionate and gave us information that genuinely interested me and made me change my outlook. He showed us results that he knew wouldn’t be what we were expecting to throw us off and make us more aware about the different beliefs and opinions across generations, decades and even countries."

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