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Ivy League & USA University Application Preparation

Three NCS students visiting MIT campus, standing in front of the iconic dome building as part of our Ivy League Application Preparation.
London sixth formers from Newham Collegiate explore MIT campus as part of our Ivy League Application Preparation.

15 Ivy League offers for NCS students to date!

The Ivy League of universities in America are formed of eight institutions in the northeastern United States. These private research universities consist of Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. They are amongst the hardest in the world for an international student to make a successful application for. According to the latest data on average of 5% of international students will succeed and receive an offer to student. The % rate falls even more when also applying for a full or partial scholarship to support the high tuition fees. 

In just a few years, The NCS has helped prepare students who between them have earned 15 offers to study at the Ivy League and America’s most prestigious universities, all with financial scholarships ensuring these students receive a world class education to support their future career aspirations.

In recent years The Ivy League and other elite USA universities (including MIT and CalTech) have become an increasingly attractive destination to students in private education. This is also true of NCS alumnus who’ve seen the success of former students who’ve been studying in America since 2016.

Whereas students at private schools have found themselves paying up to £10,000 for the support and training that will allow them succeed, at Newham Collegiate students receive specialist preparation of the Ivy League and other elite USA universities for free.

With 15 offers for students in 8 years, we rank amongst the most successful state schools in the UK for supporting students in achieving the dream of a world class Ivy League education.

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History of our Ivy League Preparation Programme

Tafsia Shikdar (a student in our second cohort) wanted to apply to study at MIT. The NCS supported her ambition by providing fully funded tuition to help her excel on the US SAT entrance examinations and providing mock interviews with former Ivy League graduates so she could present confidently at her interview.

When she received her offer, she not only inspired future NCS students to follow in her footsteps she inspired us to create a comprehensive programme to prepare able students to successfully apply to the most competitive universities in the world. Our official Ivy League Preparation Programme launched a year later with our third cohort.

Our Ivy League & USA Preparation Programme consists of distinct phases

The NCS Welcomes Harvard University Admissions Officer: Opening Doors to Study Abroad

In the first term of Year 12 the senior admissions officer from Harvard University visits The NCS to give an overview of studying abroad. From here students who want to explore studying abroad further have opportunities to attend additional workshops and seminars run throughout the year which cover topics such as completing the Common Application, writing an effective personal statement, Financial Aid and how to make yourself stand out. Towards the end of Y12, interested students begin their SAT preparation.

Bridging The Gap: Expert SAT Tutor from New York Leads Intensive Course at The NCS

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The NCS flies in an experienced tutor in the American entrance examinations (SAT) from New York to lead a week long breakout course in understanding and acing the aptitude test. The practice continues throughout the summer holiday and autumn term with regular Skype sessions to fine tune responses.

We’ve needed all this prep because we don’t study in the same way that they do in America. A lot of the questions are structured differently to what we might expect. There’s a lot more focus on grammar and punctuation. I think this week has been amazing. Last week I was not confident at all. I probably would’ve achieved the worst grade possible. Now I can get a decent grade and by the end of the year I’m sure I can get a very high grade.

Students Embark on Life-Changing Exploration Trip to Ivy League Universities

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In Year 13, a group of students then have the opportunity to attend an exploration trip in Boston and New York. The visit allows them to find out more about MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia’ with universities for tours, application guidance and the chance to attend lectures.

On the trip they also have the opportunity to meet NCS alumnus currently studying at the universities they’re visiting to learn more about their application and time in America so far. All this experience helped our candidates discover more about how the American higher education system differs to what we do in the UK, soak up the atmosphere at each university and realise that their dream of studying at one of the world’s best universities is attainable.

There’s a lot of things you can read on the internet that can help you, but actually experiencing what it would be like here; nothing can beat that. It definitely gives us hope knowing that you don’t have to be a private school student or someone with a super high academic background to attend here. It’s really nice to know that people like us can come to these universities.

A masterclass on the application form with our tutor in New York rounds up the visit and moved students into the final phase of practice interviews. The trip provided many experiences for the students to discuss and cemented decisions on which universities to apply to.

Preparing for the US University Interview

Once the application forms are submitted, students then start to prepare for interviews. Typically these are carried out in-person by institution alumnus for international students. Interviews tend to differ from the academically rigorous styles that UK students are used to. They will focus on who the person is, what interests them, what drives them, and how they see themselves in the world. Along with our tutor, they will meet with our alumnus via video link who will guide and mentor them through the entire process.

It wasn’t academic at all. It was; what kind of person I am, what I do with my free time, how I’ve been benefitting the community. They were looking for not just that you’re doing a lot of extra curricular activities, but that you’re showing excellence in your extra curricular activities as well.

Throughout all of this NCS teachers and staff will support you with the admin and paperwork. From arranging the entrance exams, to providing references and evidence, to supporting the writing of any application essays and statements.

The NCS Emerges as a Leading UK State School for Ivy League and Elite US University Admissions

Following on from Tafsia’s move to America in 2016, the programme has grown year-on-year with most students also earning the full $320,000 scholarship meaning they pay nothing for their world class education abroad. In the first eight years we’ve supported students who between them have received 15 offers for the Ivy League and elite USA universities. We rank amongst the most successful state schools in the UK for supporting students in achieving the dream of a world class Ivy League education

To see the fact that MIT would be willing to invest $320,000 into me just to attend is crazy. I didn’t think that they would value me to that sort of extent. I would hope that MIT believe that I could do something great in my life. I want to go out there and achieve something that will hopefully bring a positive change to the world.

Where are NCS alumni now?

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15 ivy league offers

In our first ten years Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre has assisted 15 students in earning offers from Ivy League and elite American universities. Alumnus today are studying at MIT, Harvard, Dartmouth, CalTech, Columbia and New York University.

Those alumnus in Boston and New York City join and meet current Year 13 students when they visit the USA to give them additional tours, knowledge and advice on their applications. 

We’ve recently seen our first two USA students Tafsia and Isuf also graduate from MIT. Tafsia worked at Beyond Meat in Los Angeles, a company producing revolutionary meat alternatives that you can find today on the supermarket shelves and even in Burger King. Isuf has recently started tutoring, including work for Inspirit AI which sees MIT and Stamford alumnus teaching students around the world about artificial intelligence, the sector he now works in. 

Both Isuf and Tafsia recently returned to teach an intensive course on coding using their MIT knowledge and support materials. Like all our alumni, they support current NCS students with their applications and careers choices. 

Our Ivy League & USA Preparation success in the media

newham recorder cropped
Newham Recorder (Newspaper)

NCS Lecture Programme

The NCS is privileged to be able to welcome high profile guest speakers from the world of academia and industry to share their knowledge and experiences with NCS students.

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