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Biology is the study of life! Biology is one of the most fascinating courses you can do. It will give you an insight into how the living world around you works.
The study of Biology ranges from learning about the vital molecules which are the building blocks of life, to the structures and functions of cells, tissues and organs and what happens when they go wrong then all the way to learning about the positive and negative interactions between organisms and the study of ecosystems. It is also very exciting because there is constantly new research being produced on topics that are covered and thus relate to the course.
This topic introduces you to the molecular building blocks of life. You will learn about the structure of fundamental molecules include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and DNA.
You will learn about the details of the internal structure of cells and how substances move within and between cells. This provides the foundation to understanding how cell division occurs for growth and how cancer occurs when there are mistakes in this process. Furthermore understanding cells will allow you to be introduced to the concepts involved in cell recognition and the immune system.
This topic gives you the opportunity to study the structure and function of the lungs and how gas exchange takes place in humans as well as other animals. You will study the structure of the human heart and the details of the circulatory system in animals and also the transport systems in plants.
In this unit you will learn about how DNA codes for proteins and the process of protein synthesis. You will study the genetics of reproduction and genetic diversity. There will be an introduction to the process of natural selection, in particular in the context of the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Finally, you will learn about the biodiversity that exists on earth, how this can be studied and how organisms are classified.
This unit allows you to learn about the fundamental processes of photosynthesis and respiration. It gives you an insight into the incredible complexity of the metabolic processes which take place in living organisms. You will also study the transfer of energy in food chains as well as the cycling of nutrients in ecosystems.
In this topic you will learn how neurones transmit information around the body and how muscles work. You will study the mechanisms involved in homeostasis including the regulation of heart rate, blood glucose levels and how the kidneys function. Finally you will study how plants and simple organisms can respond to changes in their external environments to maximise their chances of survival.
This unit provides an insight into how characteristics are inherited, including the way that genes interact with each other and how natural selection acts on these characteristics, potentially leading to the development of new species. You will also learn how we can study ecosystems and the changes which take place in ecosystems over time.
This unit focuses on how organisms regulate gene expression. You will learn about stem cell and their uses as well as studying the foundations of epigenetics, which is a very exciting and relatively new field of biology. Within this unit you will also cover the principals of the genetics of cancer. Finally, you will learn about some of the ways we are now using gene technology.
3 exams at the end of the course in Year 13. Each exam is 2 hours long.
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Disclaimer: The information on this page is to be used as guidance only. The course availability and content is subject to change based on demand and time-tabling.
Copyright © Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre. All rights reserved. Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre (The NCS) is part of the City of London Academies Trust
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