NCS Teaching Staff
Below you can find out more about our incredible teaching staff and their superb track records at delivering impressive results at A-Level. We’ve posted videos alongside many of our teacher profiles so you can actually hear from them directly and see them at work. Refine your search based on criteria that you’re most interested in and discover how the passion for their subjects help students achieve some of the highest A-Level results and outcomes in London and the UK.
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Ms Akhtar
Teacher of Government & Politics, History
Students at the NCS are grounded in the practice of meeting high expectations and in turn it has led to life-changing results. As someone who has come from a similar background to a lot of these students, I know first-hand what it means to have an educational track record that you are proud of and can use to bring more meaning to your life. NCS builds an environment where students are encouraged to work hard, challenge, be resilient, but also have a sense of humility in their actions. The staff are dedicated to providing a holistic education for our young people and giving them to the tools to not only thrive in academic settings but the wider world of work/society
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History BA Hons – Oxford University
PGDE – University College London IOE (UCL) – Teach First Leadership Programme
3 years at NCS
Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way as these two years go quickly. Be patient, consistent, and push yourself at every turn and you will see results!
Ms Asif
Teacher of Economics
I joined The NCS because it is a school that challenges students to reach their potential. Students are taught through a rigorous curriculum, allowing them to develop as well rounded and critical thinkers. The NCS provides a number of opportunities for students to increase their social and cultural capital, as well as enrichment opportunities, preparing them for life beyond education. The NCS style of teaching and thinking ensures that students are tested beyond the limits of the national curriculum, and equips students will the skills needed to succeed in their lives.
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BA from the London School of Economics
Mrs Begum
Teacher of Maths
I am passionate about serving and inspiring students who have come from similar backgrounds to myself so that they can break through barriers and know that it’s absolutely possible to achieve their dreams!
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- BSc First Class Honours in Mathematics and Economics, LSE
- MSc in Applicable Mathematics, LSE
- I have previously worked at Lister Community School in Newham as the Enrichment Coordinator.
- I also spent some time teaching at one of the best International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where I was the Further Mathematics Coordinator.
- I have been teacher KS5 Mathematics and Further Mathematics for 6 years now.
If you put your mind to it, the rest becomes easy!
Ms Bentley
Teacher of Maths
I really enjoy teaching and working with young people to achieve their best. I believe that we do this at NCS by supporting young people wholesomely, listening to their needs and supporting them whilst being relentless in offering outstanding quality teaching and learning.
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PGCE in Mathematics education, Warwick University
BA(Hons) Geography, minor in Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin
MA Creative Writing, Open University
International School in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Lead teacher of Mathematics and Head of Year 11
King’s Church of England School, Wolverhampton: Second in Department of Mathematics
My experience teaching KS5 at NCS over these last 4 years has been that the programme is exceptionally rigorous and provides all the materials and support for students to achieve an A* if students are willing and ready to take the opportunity.
If you are ready to take responsibility for your learning, we offer outstanding teaching and learning, academically stretching extracurricular opportunities and excellent support to get into higher education.
Mr Bounds
Teacher of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (P.R.E)

I joined the NCS because I believe passionately in social mobility – social disadvantage should not be a barrier to achieving the highest academic and professional standard. I also joined the NCS because teaching PRE to a predominantly religious cohort is a really rewarding and exciting experience – we have incredible discussions in class and my students always have such thought-provoking perspectives. The students also set themselves the highest goals and are incredibly hard working – and I wanted to work at a school were the students routinely impressed me by their excellence. I also knew how incredible the NCS’ teachers were, and I wanted to work in an environment surrounded by excellence and dedication, so that I can become the best teacher I can be.
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BA (HONS) Philosophy and Theology, Oxford University
I previously had a career as a freelance theatre director, and taught Religious Studies at a school in Waltham Forest
I have taught KS5 PRE for nearly ten years, and have worked as an examiner for OCR on the Philosophy of Religion and Developments in Christian thought papers
I hope you select PRE – a thought-provoking A-Level that will give you the opportunity to develop your critical thinking, oracy and written communication. It will help prepare you for a career in law, medicine, business. The critical thinking and discussions will help you make a competitive application to Oxbridge in a broad range of different subjects. You’ll also get to hear my amazing jokes every single day!
Mr Bullman
Teacher of Psychology
The NCS ticks all the right boxes: it is academic, it is somewhere that hard work is rewarded, and it is somewhere that all students are given the opportunity to build an amazing, high-flying future. A strong work ethic is actively and strategically nurtured from day 1 here, and the staff body is made up of incredible individuals who work wonderfully as a team. Most of my career has required me to split my attention between leading a science department, teaching biology, chemistry and physics across KS3 and 4, and teaching KS5 Psychology. It has been a pleasure to work with such a variety of students in different contexts, but I’m ready now to focus on the most profoundly interesting subject – psychology – at a higher level, with the some of the most driven students around.
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BSc (Hons) Psychology – University of Bristol
PGCE Secondary Science – Teach First (Canterbury Christ Church University)
I trained as a science teacher and quickly took an opportunity to teach psychology at the same time. My most recent role was at Ark Isaac Newton Academy as Head of Science and Teacher of Science and Psychology.
Prior to training as a teacher, I worked in two very challenging mental health settings: one working with adults with profound learning difficulties and developmental conditions, and another with individuals who had been through the criminal/forensic justice system, but with complex mental health conditions including schizophrenia, bipolar depression, and personality disorder. As a psychology teacher now, I’m always so grateful for these years of experience, and that I can share these with my students to convey the impacts and challenges of mental health conditions for the sufferers and those around them.
I have been teaching KS5 Psychology for 7 years, across various specifications. I also taught A-Level Biology for a period.
The NCS is such a special place – make the most of you time here. You will have to work very hard, but know that you will grow tremendously through your efforts, and you will be supported all the way. The opportunities you are given at The NCS are phenomenal, so take as many as you can and you will both broaden your horizons and become equipped to succeed in whichever path you choose.
Dr Cardenas
Teacher of Physics

I joined the NCS because of the core values that the Sixth Form holds; especially the positive learning environment shown throughout the organisation in terms of teamwork and the absolute commitment, respect and passion for learning displayed by all the students. There is nothing more beautiful than teaching my subject and sharing my passion amongst students who are eager to learn new things every day. From the moment I showed an interest in working at the NCS, it has been very evident the degree of support offered by the leadership, academic faculty and administration staff alike, so I feel very privileged to become part of such wonderful and highly professional group of people. At the NCS, I look forward to working with such a diverse and outstanding group of students. From my part, I will be fully committed to nurturing my students’ curiosity and thirst for learning, as well as helping them to develop the skills needed to face the challenges that they will for certain encounter at university and later in their careers.
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- BSc in Physics – Queen Mary University of London.
- PhD in Solid State Physics, Queen Mary University of London.
- PGCE, Kings College London.
Shooters Hill campus, Teacher of Mathematics
- Core Mathematics 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- AS Further Mathematics.
- Mechanics 1 and 2.
- As and A2 Physics (during teacher training)
- Foundation year at Queen Mary University of London
Dear students: There really isn’t a more exciting time to be studying physics than now! You are embarking on a quest to help us find the ultimate physical laws of nature. This is of great importance for understanding our own place in the universe as well as finding future technologies that will be vital for the survival of all the species living on our planet. Recent technological advances have allowed us to find predicted particles such as the Higgs boson (the particle responsible to give all known particles their mass) as well as gravitational waves, which were impossible to detect just a few years ago. Such advances have also allowed us to measure the impact that the human race has had on climate change on our planet and the possible solutions needed in order to tackle this increasing threat to our way of life. We need young and enthusiastic students like you to help us find solutions to these problems, without mentioning the increasing need to help us find the answers to some of the most important and profound questions in physics that so far remain unanswered. For example: Where do we all come from? Does the universe have a beginning and if so, will it have an end? Where did life in the planet come from? Is there life in other planets either inside or outside our solar system (or even our galaxy)? What is the nature of reality according to the laws of quantum physics? At the NCS, we will work hard to give you the necessary tools to put you on the right path to help us find answers to some of these questions. Welcome to the wonderful world of physics!
Mr Edwards
Vice Principal
Teacher of Further Maths, Maths

I wanted to work somewhere that specialised in A-Level teaching, with a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes for students, giving students the opportunities to go on to the best universities and prestigious school-leaver programmes in the UK and around the world and regardless of the students’ backgrounds.
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MMath (Hons) Mathematics – The University of Nottingham
Seven Kings High School
Rokeby School
Teaching Maths since 2008 and Maths and Further Maths A-Level since 2010
You have made an excellent decision in applying to join The NCS. Regardless of your background, we know that education is the way in which young people can give themselves the greatest number of options for the future. For those students who want to go onto the most competitive universities and school leaver programmes in the UK and abroad, getting outstanding A-Levels is the means by which this can be achieved. The NCS curriculum is designed to not only achieve those outstanding A-Levels, but to prepare students to be successful in whatever field, career or interest they wish to pursue. The teachers here are dedicated, love their subjects and are motivated to share their interest and expertise with the next generation of students at The NCS. I look forward to meeting you.
Mr O. Edwards
Teacher of Maths
To teach in one of the strongest maths departments in the country and at an institute that values excellence and academic rigour. The number of students who study Further Maths and the quality of the Further Maths and extracurricular (university admissions etc.) provision were also big draws.
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First Class Master’s Degree (MSci) in Mathematics from the University of Bristol
Good luck in all your future endeavours.
Mr Farhat
Teacher of Physics

I have been teaching Physics for over 15 years and have a deep passion for my subject, particularly working with A-Level students. This was a great opportunity for me that I just couldn’t allow to pass me by. Working exclusively with KS5 students, where I can share with them my passion for the wonders of Physics, working in a wonderful new college, the NCS and having the privilege to work with the outstanding students of Newham. At NCS I look forward to working with staff that all have the same goal. At NCS we want to nurture our students to love learning, to become excellent academics and furthermore to develop as well-rounded good people who are independent, critical and analytical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators and leaders.
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BEng in Fuel and Energy Engineering, Leeds University
Science PGCE, Institute of Education
Bacon’s College, Head of KS5 Science, Head of Physics