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Polish & Etiquette

What is polish? Why does it matter?

As with the hidden social and corporate codes we study as part of our code breakers course, employers also place a high value on recruiting candidates that exhibit a sense of “polish”. What exactly is polish? It refers to your overall demeanour, character, behaviour and personal presentation.

This will include your ability to:

  • Communicate your ideas in a clear, articulate and confident manner.
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills in both client facing and social situations.
  • Maintain professional appearance and body language.

In essence it’s your ability to navigate formal settings of business and the workplace with ease. Polish is a highly sought after value employers seek for high ranking positions.

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Watch this clip from the BBC documentary “Breaking Into The Elite” to find out how polish & etiquette are valued by recruiters in the corporate world.

Do I need to know about polish and etiquette?

Proper etiquette and polished behaviour are essential skills required in professional and social circles that will give you an edge over other candidates with the same skill sets that you possess.

Can you navigate a formal dinner setting with ease? Will you know which knife and fork to use first? Do you know the correct way to introduce yourself and make small talk at a networking event? Can you present yourself with confidence to a high-ranking manager at a job interview? Do you know the correct way to introduce yourself professionally in person, on the phone or via email? Are you able to interject in a meeting with a clear and concise idea or point of view? Do you know how to make a lasting impression with new clients?

These are just some of the areas you’ll need to be familiar with to appear as a ‘polished’ candidate with the ability to succeed and climb the workplace ladder.

Our polish & etiquette classes will provide you with all the skills required to be the candidate that elite professions are looking for. 

NCS Alumni Excel Thanks To Our Polish & Etiquette Classes

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Alumni film here eventually

What the media are saying about our Polish & Etiquette classes

elocution lessons metro

“The students are taught how to meet and greet formally, which cutlery to use when fine dining and appropriate conversation topics.”

Metro (Newspaper)
polish and etiquette lessons daily mail
Daily Mail (Newspaper)

Code Breakers

Complementing our Polish & Etiquette lessons to help you discover the secret corporate codes for success

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