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From Newham to Ivy League: trio land £1m scholarships
Ivy League success stories (comments page) – Evening Standard

Newham trio in a League of their own – Evening Standard

“The teenagers are pupils at Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre, which runs an Ivy League programme aimed at helping pupils score top marks in the US college admissions test.”
Meet the three East End winners of £1m Ivy League scholarships – The Times

“Three girls from deprived backgrounds have won places at Ivy League universities and £1 million in scholarships between them.”
Newham pupils to be offered classical education – The Guardian

“Pupils at a leading state sixth-form college in one of London’s most deprived boroughs are to be offered a classical education like the ancient Greeks to help them win scholarships to Ivy League universities and into top jobs.”
Top state sixth form adopts Ancient Greece’s methods to get more pupils into US universities – Telegraph

“Lessons based on ‘classical trivium’ of grammar, logic and rhetoric will ‘allow pupils to develop deep, analytical thinking skills’”
Leaving the UK for the first time – The Times

A featured student story in The Times’ A-Level Results day coverage about our student who’s off to study at America’s Ivy League
London sixth form sees 80 per cent of students score an A* or A grade – Evening Standard

Economist – Social Mobility Film

We’re privileged to feature in The Economist’s recent investigation on social mobility. You can watch their full film on YouTube
NCS students open their 2021 A-Level Results with Jon Snow and Channel 4 News

“Utterly uplifting!”